Early in the year I completed my vision board for the 2013, something I do every January. My life looked so bleak at that time, I had no idea how any of my vision could come to fruition but I know if you don’t put it out there nothing will happen.
One of my dearest wishes was that Hay House might recognise my book and last week I was delighted to receive a call from Leon, CEO of Hay House, Sydney. He was quite effusive about the book and very encouraging. He told me that they were going to use it in a trial publicity campaign. I had already spoken to a national USA radio program and had a confirmation that the book would be showcased at the international book fair in Toronto.
This seemed like a miracle as all of the months I was ill I had done very little promotion, however, a publicity campaign arranged by Balboa last year, and postponed until this year, has proven to be very successful. Now it is up to me to follow through.
I thought I had better read the book again as I wasn’t sure it was still relevant to me after the challenging experiences of the past year. I was relieved to find that it was still extremely relevant and although I had temporarily slipped back into victim hood, using some of the distinctions mentioned in the book, I was forging back stronger than ever.
On page 138 I deal with declarations and as I reread this section it suddenly struck me how I was letting myself get bogged down with situations I could not control. I made a decision to declare the past complete in regards to those who have their own perceptions and attitudes that I cannot change. Last year was a comedy of errors steeped in grief and although there was never any malicious or manipulative intent on my part, I can see how others may have, and still do, read situations that I mishandled in my grief. I have no negativity towards those who misread my actions, in fact I feel a great deal of compassion, whilst not condoning some behaviors, including my own.
It has been a relief to close the door on the things I cannot change and that were holding back my desire to move forward. I have learned so much and know that I have emerged stronger and more productive than ever. The A A prayer is so relevant to us all and I whisper it to myself quite often:
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Well Lyn
Many years have passed and you keep getting stronger and more active with each challenge that you accept and overcome. I congratulate your perserverance and am in awe of your inate ability to make these successes possible by your own actions.
As always well done
Be good to catch up if you are available and interested
Love always Alan